Submission Number: UBR-DEIS-00254
Received: 1/2/2021 10:24:52 AM
Commenter: Francie Bomer
State: Colorado
Agency: STB
Initiative: Uinta Basin Railway EIS
Attachments: No Attachments
Submission Text
There is a history of running trains through the Arkansas River valley. Our town was settled because of the railroad. The long abandoned tracks represent days gone by, when passenger trains brought tourists and workers to and from the area. The roundhouse and depot have were demolished many year ago. Renewing that history, for tourism, may have some merit, however, the idea of hauling oil through the pristine river valley and the BROWNS CAANYON NATIONAL MONUMENT is a distaste waiting to happen. Not only is there a risk of derailment, and spills, but the noise and pollution created would spoil an area known for recreational value. It would disrupt the beautiful wildlife corridor. I urge you, DO NOT GO FORWARD with this proposal. It is unnecessary and irresponsible.