Submission Number: UBR-DEIS-00258 

Received: 1/4/2021 12:44:23 AM
Commenter: Michael Millsap
State: Colorado

Agency: STB
Initiative: Uinta Basin Railway EIS
Attachments: No Attachments
Submission Text
We live and recreate along the Arkansas River. We purchased our home knowing the railroad tracks have been neglected/un-used for over 2 decades. We live here to enjoy the peace and quiet of the Arkansas River Valley, its wildlife, its NATURAL beauty. Allowing any trains to run along this stretch would devastate the peace and quiet, property values, and safety of MANY families along the proposed Tennessee Line. We are the "little guys". Small town America. The wealthy come and "buy an dry" our land, and now they want to come to rob us of the pristine beauty we now call home. For many of us affected, most our net worth is in our homes- and our property values would plummet. STB wants to hear from "those being served" by the proposed line. What about the citizens being AFFECTED by the line??Also, why is there a short period of time to respond to this proposal (Jan 31), and WHY has there been such a limited advertisement of this deadline? Im lucky I even heard about the opportunity to comment! Would you not at least mail a questionaire/opportunity to comment out to TAX PAYING citzens affected?? I doubt seriously that the UP or RGP would be happy if there was any effort to inform citizens impacted, and allow them to have some input on the environmental, safety, personal financial impact, and loss of enjoyment of life issues that are implicit in re-opening this line.