Submission Number: UBR-DEIS-00577
Received: 2/8/2021 3:48:29 PM
Commenter: Chad Orme
Organization: 3rd East Auto Parts NAPA and Echo and mud flats car washes
State: Utah
Agency: STB
Initiative: Uinta Basin Railway EIS
Attachments: No Attachments
Submission Text
As a small business owner, I cannot tell you how important this rail project will be to our struggling economy. 2020 has been extremely hard year for us with Covid and oil trading in the negative. Business has been down 30%. We have been fortunate enough to keep all our employees at full time without a cut in pay. If things continue and we do not see any growth in our future, this will change. Employees may have wage cuts or job loss. The rail would be great for expansion and stability for the oil companies that is a fact. But I also would like to see other industry come to our area that could also utilize this less expensive mode of transportation. As a small business owner I see a lot of potential for manufacturing jobs in our area. There is a lot of unemployed skilled labor in our area that would love a job that had some type of stability. There are several aspects to this project that may be negative, but from my view, the positives greatly outweigh the negative.