Submission Number: UBR-DEIS-00634 

Received: 2/12/2021 10:44:13 AM
Commenter: Carolyn Toth
State: Arizona

Agency: STB
Initiative: Uinta Basin Railway EIS
Attachments: No Attachments
Submission Text
My family has owned a family cabin on a 10-acre lot in the Argyle Canyon area for over 50 years. Among other and real impact issues of the Uinta Basin Railway, if allowed to move forward, would be the severe impact on the peace, quality and serenity of this pristine area, and will result in a permanent scar that cannot be hidden and, even with the best designs, will result in permanent unsightly damage. Lastly, for me, a major and unacceptable impact will be the air quality and climate change issues as well. Please do not allow the Uintah Basin Railway to come through this area.Thanks for your consideration, Carolyn Toth